Born & raised in the jazzy and colorful city that is New Orleans, I would soon come to realize my talent in drawing: cartoons, still life and technical works of art at a very young age. From then on I was honing my skills in anticipation to attend art school at Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) for a greater taste at a fully-immersive, creative life in Savannah, GA. I also spent much of my childhood and teen years in dance classes, marching in parades while somehow managing to rank No. 3 in my high school graduating class of 2012.
While attending art school, I found myself drifting towards graphic design; I’m still growing my technical skills in drawing and illustration. In June of 2016, I received my BFA in Graphic Design with a minor in Motion Graphics. Upon graduation, I was residing in Brooklyn, NY pursing everything from having my first corporate full-time job at Scholastic— eventually becoming a fully independent freelance creative: Graphic Design, Illustration, Social Media Content, Modeling, Tattooing and even dabbling in Hand-Embroidery.